Consumer Loans & Business Finance – Compare the Best Interest Rates Online
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Trusted by over 50,000 Australians
- No effect on credit rating
- Low interest rate finance

We make it easy to compare finance rates on many loans
Whether you want a loan to buy a car, boat, caravan, motorcycle, truck, business equipment or you need a commercial loan for your enterprise, Jade finds the best rates for each customer and we arrange the loan. Our business model matches your application details with the finance products of more than 60 banks and non-bank lenders. Our consultants find the loan product at the cheapest interest rate that is best-suited to your individual requirements.
For fast approvals without the hassle, speak with our expert team and we’ll do all the work. Contact us on 13000 000 008 for cheap interest rate comparisons and repayment estimates on many types of consumer loans and business finance, utilising our specialised calculators.
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Jade’s Better, Cheaper Rates for Car Loans and More!
We’re an Australian-owned business, operating in Australia and we’ve been assisting customers with cheaper car loans and finance for many more goods for more than 20 years. We know first-hand the challenges faced by our customers and we’ve built our enviable reputation based on delivering as promised.
Our access to more than 60 banks and lenders across many markets, puts Jade in prime position to source the best interest rates and the most appropriate loan from a vast selection. We fast-track applications for quick approvals and do all the hard work for our customers. Find out how we can assist you by speaking with one of our specialist loan consultants today.
Get my rate 25 Years of excellence
Personal and Business Finance Experts
We save the hype and simply deliver the best interest rates and better loans. We focus purely on getting applications processed with the lender best-suited to you. We cut through the jargon and provide easy-to-understand explanations so you can make well-informed decisions. Our experts will find you the best loan for a car, bike, boat, caravan, truck or business equipment and you decide when to proceed. More lenders at your disposal to compare but without affecting your credit score. Sound like what you’re after? Call today 1300 000 008.
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Experience to be Trusted
Applying for finance is a major step and with our 20+ years of experience and an impressive track record, you can trust that Jade has your best interests as a priority. The safe hands of skilled and knowledgeable experts will source the loan that works for you.
To get enough quotes to compare, you usually need to contact multiple banks and lenders. We save you that hassle, confusion and time because we have access to a massive range of loans from many lenders. Lenders that include the major banks and specialist non-bank lenders that don’t work directly with customers. We source the best offer with no-obligation and you make all the decisions – when to submit the application and whether or not to accept. You have the power and we’re your engine that drives it all.
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How do I apply?
At Jade we keep everything as simple as possible. Just complete our form online or give us a call on 1300 000 008. We’ll need certain details about you and your purchase and then we get onto sourcing you the best loan option. Using our expertise and vast lender connections, we match your requirements with the most suitable lenders. The ones offering the best rates and best loans that fit with your profile.
We promptly send you the information so you can then decide if you would like to proceed, accept the offer and make your purchase.
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Australia's best car finance. Get your rate today.
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Jade Finance handles every loan individually, please feel free to contact us via email
or phone on 1300 000 008 to direct your specific issues to our consultants.
What type of car loans are available?

The type of car loans available differ for personal or private vehicles and business vehicles. The most popular loan for buyers of cars for personal use is a Secured Car Loan. This suits new vehicles and many used vehicles, depending on lender accepting the car as suitable security. Businesses can select from a number of finance options including Chattel Mortgage, Leasing and Commercial Hire Purchase.
Is a driver licence essential for a car or motorbike loan?

Holding a current driver licence is not essential to applying for a car loan or motorbike loan. Identification is required as part of the application process and many people use a licence as a form of ID. Other forms of identification would need to be presented if a driver licence is not held. Under Australian Consumer Finance Law, individuals must be 18 years or over to be eligible to apply for consumer finance.
What is the criteria to be eligible for business finance?

Whether purchasing a motor vehicle, truck or equipment, the asset must meet the Australian Taxation Office criteria for a business asset. If purchasing a motor vehicle, the vehicle must be for use predominantly in a business. Employers considering purchasing vehicles for employees may consider Novated Lease with Salary Sacrificing. To be eligible for business finance, the applicant must have a current and active ABN and ID. Other documentation regarding the business’ financial and trading details will be requested. Businesses without all the documentation may seek Low Doc and No Doc options.
Is there a set deposit required for a car loan?

Motor dealers will often request a holding deposit to confirm the sale. This is separate from a deposit requested from a lender. Depending on the lender and the strength of the application, no deposit car loans are available for both private and business purchases. This allows for the entire purchase price to be included in the finance total. This will be subject to lender approval when assessing the application. Where the amount requested is not approved, the buyer may choose to pay a larger deposit to the dealer or use their own funds, to reduce the amount required in the loan.
Are loans different for new and used cars?

The Secured Car Loan can be suitable for both new and used vehicles. The vehicle becomes the security against the loan amount. With used cars, the lender will assess the age and condition of the vehicle and the value in respect to the loan amount requested. Where these meet the lender guidelines, a secured loan will be approved. Where the vehicle is not considered suitable security, buyers may consider an Unsecured Personal Loan for the purchase.
What loans are available to purchase equipment for a business?

The loans available for business equipment purchases are Chattel Mortgage, Leasing, Rent to Own and Commercial Hire Purchase. These loan types differ in respect of suitability to either the cash or accruals method of accounting, balance sheet entry, tax deductions, treatment of GST and interest rate. Business owners are advised to consult with their accountant when deciding which loan product is best suited to their business structure.
How does credit score affect a loan?

A review of the credit score and overall credit profile forms an essential part of the loan application process for both personal and business loans. Where a score is in the low or poor band, the applicant can be consider as a higher risk. This may result in a higher interest rate and/or stricter conditions being attached to the loan including a limit on the total loan amount. In a worst case scenario, a poor or bad credit score may result in the application being rejected. Interest rates advertised by lenders are typically for applicants with a good credit rating. There are lenders that will approved loans for bad credit applicants.
What is a Comparison Rate which is shown with some loans?

with the advertisement. It is based on the lender’s advertised rate and includes some but not necessarily all fees and charges. The Comparison Rate will as such always be higher than the Advertised Rate. Business finance lenders are not required to display a comparison rate.
What is the difference between fixed and variable interest rates?

A fixed interest rate loan for consumer goods and business assets means that the rate remains at that level for the entire period of the loan term. If the finance term is 4,5,6 or 7 years, the fixed interest rate will remain unchanged even if the lender changes their rates in line with changes to the cash rate as announced by the Reserve Bank of Australia. A variable interest rate is subject to change when the lender changes their rates. When the rate changes, the repayments also change.
Can I get an idea of car loan repayments without requesting a quote.

Yes. Individuals can use a finance calculator to obtain rough estimates of car loan repayments. These devices are available online and are generic in nature. Users can input the loan amount they want, their preferred loan term and the interest rate as shown by the lender. The calculator automatically shows the result. These devices are intended to be used as a guide only and do not represent quotes or loan offers and are not loan applications. The interest rate and other loan conditions may vary when the application is assessed by a lender.